Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) in Lansing Okemos MI

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Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Michigan

Tummy Tuck in Lansing Michigan. Information on abdominoplasty, surgical procedure, techniques, risks and complications, recovery, and more.

We all yearn for a flat, well-toned abdomen. Many of us use diet and exercise without improvement in our bodies and abdomen. Additionally, many times despite out efforts, our goals for a beautiful abdomen are not achieved. The deformity of the abdomen associated with excess skin and fat is usually associated with multiple causes including pregnancy, obesity, significant weight loss, or weight changes. For those of us who desire a flat beautiful abdomen, Dr. Sampson has the procedure that will change the profile of the abdomen. That procedure is called an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Many patients in Michigan have sought Dr. Sampson's help to create the perfect abdomen. Please call Dr. Sampson today so we can help you achieve the abdomen you are looking for. He can also give you all the important information on tummy tucks in Michigan.


The procedure called a tummy tuck is one of many procedures used to treat the deformities of the abdomen. It is not a substitute for weight loss, but serves as a powerful step in the contouring and creation of a beautiful, sexy body. Dr. Sampson feels that this procedure is best performed on patients who are healthy, moderately fit and patients who are actively interested in improving the way they look. Most patients are good candidates for the procedure, but Dr. Sampson prefers tummy tuck patients in Michigan to be finished with child bearing and of course, non-smokers. Dr. Sampson evaluates his tummy tuck patients in his Michigan offices with great empathy and care. He is very interested in producing excellent results and avoiding complications. He will review in detail the preoperative requirements and the operative techniques with an individualized plan of treatment. He will review the surgical risks and possible complications and discuss with each patient what they can do to avoid problems after surgery. Please request your appointment today and come in to see Dr. Sampson for a complimentary evaluation. In his office in Jackson, he regularly sees tummy tuck patients from Lansing, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, and Kalamazoo. With a new office in Dearborn, Detroit tummy tuck patients can see him more conveniently than ever. Dr. Sampson looks forward to meeting you soon.

How the Procedure is Performed

Dr. Sampson performs the surgical procedure called tummy tuck or abdominoplasty in his surgical suite in Jackson, Michigan. Jackson Michigan is centrally located and adjacent to Ann Arbor, Lansing, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, and many other cities of Michigan.

The procedure treats the abdomen and anterior torso. Dr. Sampson will tailor the procedure to the individualized needs of each specific patient.

There are usually three separate areas of deformity of tummy tuck patients in Michigan. These areas include the loose, saggy skin of the abdomen, area of excess fat in the abdomen, and of course loose, weakened or separated muscles of the abdomen usually associated with pregnancy.

Multiple types of tummy tuck techniques do exist. That is why you need a very experienced and talented, Board Certified Michigan Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Sampson to assist you in developing a plan for surgery. Call today to make an appointment with Dr. Sampson and begin your journey to your new body today.

The surgical techniques Dr. Sampson uses with excise (cut) area of excess skin and fatty tissue many times removing areas of stretch marks and rolls of fat creating a flat, attractive abdomen. Dr. Sampson does use Michigan liposuction as an adjunct or additional procedure in some areas of the abdomen. He will explain areas of the abdomen where liposuction can be safely done. The techniques include procedures called, the abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), mini-abdominoplasty with or without liposuction.

Potential Risks and Complications

Dr. Sampson chooses his patients carefully and spends time with preoperative teaching. So few of his patients in Michigan have significant complications associated with the tummy tuck and/or liposuction procedures.

Risks are common to all surgical procedures. For tummy tuck patients in Michigan, risks include bleeding, infection, and risks of anesthesia. Fortunately, the problems are usually minor and are treatable in Dr. Sampson's office.

Other possible risks include wound problems and/or collections of fluid under the skin. It is not unusual for there to be associated swelling after surgery. This is normal and will resolve with time.

Dr. Sampson's tummy tuck patients in Michigan have done well after surgery and have been very happy with their new flat abdomen and slimmer profiles.


Following your operative procedure in Dr. Sampson's surgical suite in Jackson, Michigan, your incision will be bandaged and a compression garment will be applied. This garment will provide support for your abdomen, reduce swelling, and reduce fluid collection under the skin.

In addition, Dr. Sampson will place a small tube under the skin to drain fluid and blood from the abdomen. You will be taught how to take care of these drains.

Initially, there will be discomfort after your surgical procedure. This discomfort is well controlled without your pain medication. Walking after surgery is important and encouraged. Of course, no lifting or sexual activity is allowed for about one week after surgery. Walking is an important part of the postoperative recovery. It reduces the risk of blood clots; the exercise will improve the blood flow over the body and expands the lungs.

Initial wound healing will take approximately one week and your sutures will be removed by Dr. Sampson's staff. Usually return to work can be accomplished within two weeks as long as there is no lifting or vigorous activity. Detroit plastic surgeon Dr. Sampson encourages use of the compression garment for 4-6 weeks; this reduces the swelling after surgery. The scars will continue to improve over time, and many patients can return to wearing bikinis a few months after surgery. This new look can me maintained by proper weight control and fitness. Come see Dr. Sampson today to begin your beautiful body.

Tummy Tuck: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How safe are tummy tucks?
Tummy tucks when done in accredited surgical facilities by Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons like Dr. Sampson is a safe and satisfying procedure.

How much time does the procedure take?
Dr. Sampson is usually able to complete the tummy tuck procedure in less than three hours. The anesthesia time is not included in the operative time.

How ling is the incision?
There is no set length of incision for the tummy tuck procedure. Dr. Sampson will tailor the incision for each body type and the incisions will depend on the extent of the patient's deformity.

How painful is the procedure?
Pain is a subjective symptom and as such make quantifying the amount of pain quite difficult. The pain medication that Dr. Sampson prescribes for his patient will control the pain. All patients are able to do well at home after the surgical procedure.

Is it possible to have children after a tummy tuck?
Yes, it is possible to become pregnant and have full-term babies after a tummy tuck. However, pregnancy will re-create many deformities treated by the tummy tuck procedure.

Will the tummy tuck procedure repair muscles weakened by large pregnancy or twins?
The tummy tuck procedure will specifically tighten the abdomen wall muscles. This is part of the tummy tuck procedure that Dr. Sampson does for his patients. This procedure restores the flat, beautiful abdomen.

Is the belly button moved?
The belly button is not moved after a tummy tuck. The belly button is attached to the internal, abdomen wall. In the full tummy tuck, tissue is moved around the belly button and the belly button is brought out through a new incision.

Is it possible to gain weight in the abdomen after a tummy tuck?
Yes. It is indeed possible. Dr. Sampson encourages his patients to take good care of their bodies after all surgical procedures. This helps to produce long-lasting results from surgery.

Is tummy tuck a common procedure?
Dr. Sampson does many types of cosmetic procedures. The tummy tuck is one of the procedures he does quite commonly.


Tummy Tuck surgery in Lansing - Detroit Michigan. Information on tummy tuck surgery, surgical procedure, techniques, risks and complications, recovery, and more.



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2211 Association Dr
Okemos, MI

