Thermage in Lansing Okemos MI

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Okemos Michigan Plastic Surgeons Cosmetic Surgery Procedures


Thermage is a new patented technology that uses a type of energy (capacitive radio frequency) CRF to gently lift and tighten the skin and has been clinically proven to smooth out wrinkles and improve the sequels of aging. The magic of Thermage is that there is no incision or scars and the procedure does not require a "down time" and usually one treatment is enough.

It has been approved by the FDA for non-invasion treatment of facial wrinkles. Over the past few years, Thermage has shown itself to be useful in the treatment of facial wrinkles with over a 94% approval rate by patients. Thermage can now be used to treat skin laxity in other areas including the eyelids, lips, abdomen, and extremities. Call Dr. Sampson today for these advanced procedure of tomorrow.




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2211 Association Dr
Okemos, MI

