About Breast Augmentation in Michigan

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Okemos Michigan Plastic Surgeons Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

About the Surgery - Breast Enlargement

Information on breast enlargement in Lansing Michigan. Info on the surgery, risks, complications, preparation, recovery, and more.

Breast augmentation has become a more effective, more routine procedure with each passing year. The surgery is safer than ever, and natural-looking results are most often the norm. Of course, to ensure your experience is as smooth and comfortable as possible, and to make certain the outcome lives up to your expectations, you'll want to choose an experienced, board certified Michigan plastic surgeon like Dr. Sampson.

Dr. Sampson sees each patient as an individual, with goals and concerns all her own. His interest is in creating the perfect blend of art and science that will give you the natural, appealing result you're looking for. Come meet with him today.

Surgery Overview

Dr. Sampson takes care to make incisions where the resulting scars will be inconspicuous: in the armpit, in the crease on the underside of the breast, or around the areola (the dark skin around the nipple). Although scars are inevitable, the vast majority of his patients find their scars completely acceptable after they have had a few months to fade.

After making the incisions, Detroit plastic surgeon Dr. Sampson will place breast implants beneath your breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle. Placement beneath breast tissue often allows recovery to proceed a little more quickly; placement beneath the chest muscle can create a more natural looking chest slope, make future mammogram examinations more accurate, and possibly reduce the risk of capsular contracture. Depending on your goals and your physique, you may have just one or both options to you.

Dr. Sampson most often uses general anesthesia for breast enlargement surgery, but it's possible to have local anesthesia combined with a sedative. In our own fully-accredited operating suite in Jackson, Michigan, breast enhancement normally takes one to two hours. You'll feel at home in the very private, relaxed environment, and you'll enjoy working with our licensed, professional, surgical team members who'll take charge of your comfort and safety.

Preparation and Recovery

As we work together toward the new you, we'll give you the information you need to prepare for your procedure. We'll advise you to be ready with someone to pick you up after your surgery, and we may ask that you arrange for someone you trust to stay with you the first day in case you need help. We might suggest you have plenty of food in the refrigerator, reading material, and an inviting place to rest. We want you to be ready to relax for a few days.

We'll also discuss your medical history and physical condition thoroughly before surgery. You'll be advised about diet, exercise, medications, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

After cosmetic surgery in Michigan and a brief recovery time, you'll go home with stitches and bandages in place. Stitches are usually replaced with a surgical bra a few days following breast augmentation. Most Michigan patients feel tired and sore after surgery, but this normally passes in as little as a day or two. Many return to work within a week. You'll need to plan for just light activity at first, gradually resuming exercise and more vigorous activity over the next few weeks.

Risks and Complications

Few Michigan breast enhancement patients experience complications. Capsular contracture, the shrinking and hardening of scar tissue surrounding breast implants, occurs in a small fraction of cases. Most times capsular contracture does not require additional surgery, but it is a possibility to consider.

Other occasional complications are common to almost any surgery. A few patients experience unusual swelling, and infection around the implant happens rarely as well. These conditions are almost always treated fairly easily. Occasionally, a patient will be unhappy with a surgical scar; when this happens scar revision can usually be performed in a short, in-patient appointment.

You should know that implants � whether silicone or saline � can rupture. It's not unusual for Michigan women who have had breast augmentation surgery to eventually have a second procedure.

Dr. Sampson looks forward to meeting with you and working with you to create a surgical plan that's just right for you. Call us at (800) 809-4320 or (517) 780-0080 and make an appointment. You'll find our original office located in Jackson, Michigan on 4th Street, just a short distance from Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Lansing, and Ann Arbor. Our newest office is in Dearborn on Michigan Avenue, near the communities of greater Detroit. Plastic surgery in southern Michigan has never been more convenient!


Information on breast enlargement in Lansing - Detroit Michigan. Info on the surgery, risks, complications, preparation, recovery, and more.



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