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Okemos Michigan plastic surgeons before and after pictures

All procedures were done in our office surgical suites, all very safely, without general anesthesia, and almost all patients returned to work within 2-7 days.

Patient 1

Before After      
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This pleasant fifty-eight year old home maker from Mears, Michigan came to my office inquiring about bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery. She complained that she was unhappy with the appearance of her eyes, the excess tissue to her upper eyelids, the fullness to her lower eyelids, and the vision deficit she had from the excess tissue. She stated her peripheral vision was affected by this excess tissue and at times her vision was blurred. She also complained of her upper gaze being greatly affected. She states she has difficulty picking things up with just a downward gaze because she cannot see due to the excess tissue. She underwent bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery and is very happy with the results. She looks much more youthful. Her vision is much improved from before her surgery and her friends tell her she looks much more awake and happy. She states she would recommend this surgery to anyone wanting a more youthful look and anyone who is having trouble with their vision, as it helps greatly improve both.

Patient 2

Before After Before After  
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 63
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This pleasant sixty-three year old patient from Jackson, Michigan came to my office with an interest in upper and lower blepharoplsaty. She states she is dissatisfied with the appearance of excess skin around her face and eyes. This patient had upper and lower belpharoplasty surgery and is very happy with the results.

Patient 3

Before After Before After  
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 63
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This sixty-three year old patient from Brooklyn, Michigan came to my office with an interest in upper and lower blepharoplasty. She stated she was unhappy with the excess skin around her eyes. She also said she had trouble with her vision due to this excess skin. She underwent the surgery and is very happy with the outcome and states she can see much better.

Patient 4

Before After Before After  
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 58
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This pleasant fifty-eight year old saleswoman fromBrooklyn, Michigancame to my office with an interest getting rid of the excess skin around her eyes. She states she doesn�t like how it ages her face, makes her look tired, and interferes with her eyesight. This patient chose to have bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery. The excess skin was removed and the patient is thrilled with the new look it has given her. She states she is very happy with the outcome of her surgery and feels as youthful as she looks.

Patient 5

Before After Before After  
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 50
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This fifty year old patient from Onondaga, Michigan came to office because she was unhappy with the appearance of her eyes. She did not like the droopiness of her eyelids and was interested in having upper and lower blepharoplasty. She underwent the surgery and was happy with the results.

Patient 6

Before After Before After  
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 43
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This forty-three year old patient from Jackson, Michigan came to my office because she was dissatisfied with the excess skin on her eyelids. She felt she looked older than her actual age and tired. She chose to have upper and lower blepharoplasty. This patient was satisfied with the outcome of her surgery.

Patient 7

Before After      
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 48
Patient Gender: Male
Race: White

Patient 8

Before After Before After  
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 59
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This pleasant fifty-nine year old patient care coordinator from Grass Lake, Michigan was unhappy with the appearance of her eyes. She didn�t like the excess skin that gave her a drooping look. She chose to have a bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery to correct this problem. She is very happy with the results of her surgery. She states she has a more youthful look and is very satisfied with it.

Patient 9

Before After      
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 52
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This fifty-two year old patient from Clark Lake, Michigan came to the office with an interest in blepharoplasty. She is unhappy with the appearance of her eyelids stating they droop too much and she looks older than she is. She had her surgery and is very satisfied with the results. She states she looks more youthful and alert.

Patient 10

Before After      
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Surgeon: Dr. Sampson
Patient Age: 63
Patient Gender: Female
Race: White

This pleasant sixty-three year old patient from Brooklyn, Michigan came to my office because she was unhappy with the appearance of her eyes. She stated she did not like the excess skin around her eyes and was interested in an upper and lower blepharoplasty. She underwent the surgery and was very impressed with her new look. Her eyes are much more youthful and fresher than before her surgery.

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Michigan plastic surgeons toll free number
image of model - see before and after section for actual patients

2211 Association Dr
Okemos, MI

